超密度橡塑海綿板直銷價格 ,橡塑保溫板的主要構成材料是由dingjing橡膠組成,橡塑板廠家的制作是從國外引進的的生產技術,有著科學的工藝流程,生產線是全自動的。它的工藝也很是復雜是經過發泡而制成的。它是一種高檔的保溫板。橡塑保溫板很軟,是一種軟質的保溫材料。
Rubber insulation board of main material is composed of dingjing rubber, rubber board manufacturer making are introduced from abroad advanced production technology, has the scientific process, is the production line fully automatic. Its process is very complex is made after foaming and. Rubber insulation board can be outstanding in the insulation board, it is a kind of high-grade thermal insulation boards. Rubber insulation board is soft, is a kind of soft heat preservation material.
Whether it's cold media pipeline or heat medium pipes, are applicable. Rubber insulation board is the structure of the seal mode, the characteristic of it let him put the water vapor can show off with it. If the surface of the rubber insulation board was accidentally scratch, actually it doesn't matter, still can guarantee the products of good quality, because the rubber insulation board isolation characteristics of water vapor, can have a very good protection effect on surface, although some scratches also does not affect its performance of steam trap.
1、 所有的割隙、接頭都需用東洋牌膠水粘接密封。
2、 安裝后所有的三通、彎頭、閥門、法蘭和其他附件都需達到設計厚度。
3、 膠水粘結時不要太用力,所有材料間的接口應在輕微擠壓下粘合。
4、 安裝時應先大管后小管,先彎頭、三通后直管,zui后閥門、法蘭。
5、 當安裝冷凍水管和制冷設備時,橡塑管材的兩端和鐵管之間的空隙都需涂上膠水粘結起來,粘接寬度應不等于橡塑材料厚度。
6、 管道的割隙口應盡量安裝在不顯眼處,且兩條管材的割隙口應相互錯開。
7、 機器在使用中不要安裝。裝好后36小時內切勿開機。
8、 大管徑橡塑管由于包裝關系已變成橢圓形,剖開時請剖較扁平的那邊。
橡塑保溫板是一種隔熱保溫、防水吸音新型建筑材料,我廠生產的橡塑板具有極小的獨立閉孔結 構,密度小,彈性好,韌性大。尤其是阻燃橡塑板,有b1級阻燃橡塑板b2級阻燃橡塑板,當遇到重大火災時能夠有效的保護建筑物,降低建筑物的腐蝕程度。